Thursday, November 7, 2019

Being a part of Member of Committee for Drafting Model Odisha Consumer Protection Rules, 2019..

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

At a Seminar on Drafting of Model Odisha Consumer Protection Rules, 2019.....

Saturday, September 15, 2018

A General Insurance Company is penalised by the District Consumer Forum, Jharsuguda due to non-payment of insurance claim amount on death of cow of a poor man. Ordered and dictated through my good hands. Matter has been reported in the Odia daily news paper "Prameya" on dtd. 14.09.2018 with other leading news papers. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

South Eastern Railways is penalized of Rs.50,000/- only alongwith refund tickets amount by DCDRF, Jharsuguda due to non-refunding of cancelled tickets of a senior citizen. News has been reported in "The Samaj" dtd. 07.09.2018 Odia daily and other leading news papers.  The said order dictated and passed by me agreed by other member(w).

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

An Order against a courier company has been reported in a popular odia daily news paper "The Samaj" on dtd. 15.03.2018. It was ordered by me, agreed by other two members.

Monday, February 5, 2018

The remarkable order on which agreed by other two members of the Hon'ble Forum, dictated and passed under my hands (which involves public issue) has been reported in the leading news papers like The Samaj, Prameya, Navbharat...... etc.....

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The order dictated and passed by me, agreed by other members has been reported in almost all leading odia news papers on dt.05.09.2017. This news is extract of Samaj dtd.05.09.2017.